Alternative itunes Icon.

i dont know how to convert it to a .icns but maybe this would work for some of you guys as an alternative itunes icon. remeber the transparency before you convert it....

it looks crappy i know but i dint want to work on it anymore. :p


  • itunes.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 84
Please tell me how that icon relates in ANY way to iTunes (besides the CD that you obviously stole :rolleyes: ).
Well, if you visit satanicpoptart's website at, you'll understand the WEED association. The site is riddled with maijuana paraphernalia including the structural formula of THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). The only things missing, from what I can see, are pictures of joints, bongs, bowls, and clips, oh and almost forgot, ROLLING PAPERS.

Hey man, pass that over. Piece man, piece (Woodstock, 1960s).
some of those pix are from my garden... most are just from the internet. my web page kinda sucks. i havnt had time to work with the dreamweaver beta to kinda fiqure out html... and if my drug association makes anybody uncompfurtable then ill will stop talking about it if you let me know, im not trying to make enemys.

and yes the visulizer plus pot = very very good times

wdw_-thanks for the bookmark dude!
How dare you assume that I partake in anything? You evil little insane poster! Why even the mention of.....

Oh, nevermind. You said don't flame me. Sorry, I misread. :D

This is a joke, for those of you who didn't catch on right away...
Oh, so your post was a joke?:D Sorry, I didn't catch on. I was about to begin stalking you (j/k) :p
Yeah, I've found it best to include a disclaimer when I make a joke like that. No one understands me in real life, why should I expect them to understand me here? ;)
I've never smoked anything. I don't really have an opinion on weed, so I haven't posted anything against or for it.
For the record, let me say that I never spoke negatively about anything in this thread. I was just jokin with xoot. :)
ok thanks i miss understood your post man, i just hope this dosnt turn into a huge right vs. left policical debate at the bar, sense the bar is technicaly not part of any country, it cant be ilegal to light up. waho!
As long as you're not hurting anyone else, I don't care what you do. Well, hurting someone else or trying to sell them something. :D

But if you hurt someone while under the influence of something, I will criticize you. That something doesn't have to be illegal -- the 16 year old kid completely jazzed up on coffee is not someone I want driving (for example).
Originally posted by nkuvu:
Piece of what?

Oh, you mean peace?

"Peace" was intentionally replaced with "Piece" due to the recent "Grammar Matters" thread. I was wondering if anyone was going to catch that.