Alternative itunes Icon.

Originally posted by satanicpoptart
first i should point out that nobody should speak negativly of something they have never experenced.

Watch the sweeping generalizations, bud. How about... murder?

That said, I'll speak negatively of drugs if I please. :p

Incidentally, I think the government should legalize drugs, but I tend to have somewhat less respect for people who use them than for those who don't.

-the valrus
words of wisdom by satanicpoptart
first i should point out that nobody should speak negativly of something they have never experenced.

I don't know, for some strange reason I tend to lump things like putting your hand in a blender, pounding nails into your skull, smoking and doing drugs into the same category. That is not to say that some people don't find these things thoroughly enjoyable, I just don't think I'll be trying any of them any time soon.

To each their own.
all of those things are good points but murder and hammering nail's into ones skull are in a different area in my mind.... socialy, smoking cigarets isnt bad because its not against the law. just because marijuana is illegal dosnt mean its such a horrible evil thing like murder.

about half of the full professors at KU:deparment of design have and still smoke daily.... they are esteemed faculty who have educated millions of students...

when i said "first i should point out that nobody should speak negativly of something they have never experenced." it was not in terms of things that are completly morally wrong. like killing a person.

and for gods sake people this is just a thread about a icon!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, but threads change over time. :)

To add my insanity to the debate:

I don't smoke and never will. I know many people who do, and they aren't really worse off because of it. If they enjoy it, and they don't hurt anyone, I say, fine. But if they are screwing up their lives because of it, or if they are too high to come into school and function, like one person I know, then I'm going to give them a hell of a hard time. I don't have anything against people who use drugs (well, OK, maybe it lowers my personal opinion of their strength of character a bit, but...), but people whose lives revolve around drugs are pretty sad, in my mind. It just seems to me that if you're taking drugs as an escape from your life, you're taking the easiest, cheapest-ass way out. It's like suicide: it's the most selfish thing you can do, but hey, it gets you away from your problems. It just screws up everyone else's lives. Weed isn't like that--most of the time, it doesn't affect people around the smoker in any real significant way--but I just feel that if you can't deal with problems on your own, you need to work it out instead of letting some drug attempt to do it for you. Sure, getting high may be nice, but seriously, I'm one of those people who can get "high off of life". I just don't see why some people can't enjoy life as it is, accept the good and the bad for what it is and not try to change it. OK, I'm starting to rant... time to go... :)
Three words that I'm surprised no one's brought up yet:

Second-hand smoke.

Eh? Maybe that doesn't relate to weed too much.

You can't stop the spiral of this thread now, satanicpoptart. :D That's what you get for bringin' up weed in a forum full of smart people with all kinds of different opinions.

And Bluefusion - I am 100% with you, and then you left just as it was getting good! I think it's kind of lame if you need drugs to be happy, or even if your happiness is increased enough by drugs to make it worth all the health risks. And what does it say about you if you have to lose some of your mental capacity to have a good time?

-the valrus
the same should apply to alcohol, everybody always gets on me about weed when i don't even do it more then once a month. i know for a fact that at least 1 in 4 at my school get drunk 5 nights aweek in the summer is that any different or wrong. and everybody knows that almost all adults drink regularly. so are they as "stupid", "murdering", or "masacistic" as i am? the same goes for cigaret smokers, we are talking about 90 percent of the population here.

You're totally correct. This applies to everything, but it DOES apply more to pot just because pot is 1) illegal, 2) it has no positive effects at all (when you really stop and think about it--I mean, is getting high for an hour worth the years of pain you will cause others?), and 3) there is no social situation where it's actually accepted. That may not be neccessarily the best thing; I mean, smoking is seen as a "community thing" and alcohol to a lesser extent, just because they are so common. But weed is one of those things that isn't really considered "right" most of the time. I'm not saying I agree with that, but I won't smoke cigarettes or weed and I won't become an alcoholic for these same reasons. I'm not planning on doing anything to my life that wasn't made with total conscious control :) And BTW, stan, seeing as you only do it once a month (you say), I have no real problem with it. It's the people I know who get high literally every day of the week during the school year that scare the hell out of me. People who come into school high, smoke during lunch break, and smoke during free periods. That's about three times a day (plus whatever they do at night, usually drinking), almost every day. So no, this isn't aimed at you personally. You're still cool :) don't worry :) It's just that after all that, I don't see the point of "advocating" the marijuana leaf symbol on something like the iTunes icon, of all things :).. I mean, it just doesn't seem useful to me. But that's just my opinion.

Valrus: See? I can keep talking! :)
1)just becuase pot is ilegal dosnt mean its wrong.(a. in some contries is perfectly legal b. see the stupid laws thread)

2)ever heard of medicinal marijuana?

3)socialy accepted at highschool parties, college parties, and all the faculty parties ive been to at k.u.
George Washington and many others used marijuana the same as we use Alcohol or Cigaretts today. I have to agree that it's more of a social thing and perfectly fine in other countries, however here in the US we've been led so far as to believe it's very wrong and deadly, it could never be accepted. If it were to be legalized, you'd hear one case of a Pot DUI or a Pot related murder and there'd be a public outcry. I don't see how it is any more dangerous than drinking alcohol, you just have to set limits for yourself and be responsible for what happens. Now I would never smoke it myself, but I am sure there are lots of people out there who would be happy about being able to do it legally.
Yeah, I definitely agree. There's no fundamental difference (in terms of the side effects) between marijuana and alcohol, it's that for some stupid reason alcohol is the more "accepted" of the two. If marijuana was legalized, this would change. I think that marijuana could/should be legalized just for the sake of being on equal ground with all of the other "dangerous/deadly substances" out there (lol). But again, I'm not going to celebrate legalization by going out and smoking a few :)
To toke, or not to toke, that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind
To suffer the slings and arrows of the real world
or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
and in opposing, smoke some weed and have a good time.
My gentle Puck, come hither. Thou rememberest
since once I sat upon a promontory,
and heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back
uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath
that the rude sea grew civil at her song,
and certains stars shot madly from their spheres
to hear the sea maid's music?

That very time, I saw, but thou coulds't not, because I was stoned off my a**.
Arrgh... and here we are having a Julius Caesar test today... :)

"O pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth,
that I am meek and gentle with these butchers.
Thou art the ruins of the noblest man
that ever lived in the tide of times.

over thy wounds do i prophesy
baked off my ass so i think your cuts are talking to me
a curse shall light upon the limbs of men
domestic fury and fierce civil strife shall cumber all the parts of italy
blood and destruction so in use
yet pot so familiar
that mothers will not really think at all
when they behold their infants
quartered by the hands of war
and Caesar's spirit, higher than a kite
with Ate by his side come hot from the pipe
cry "havoc!" and let slip
the smoke of war..." :) :)
"O pardon me, thou insane poster xoot,
Could you please stop posting thy meaningless posts?
Because I weep in the night,
Knowing that I will wake up to a full thread of thy insanity."

Cool, huh? :D
Originally posted by xoot
"O pardon me, thou insane poster xoot,
Could you please stop posting thy meaningless posts?
Because I weep in the night,
Knowing that I will wake up to a full thread of thy insanity."

Cool, huh? :D
Only if you take your own advice... ;)
Pot is a plant that grows in the ground.
If God didn't want it, it wouldn't be around.
So all of you fools who wanna get high...
shut your fncking mouths and give it a try!