Alternative to Airport card (802.11b) card


I have a PowerMac G4. Running Panther. Only the original airport card fits the PowerMac G4 card adapter. This means I'm limited to 802.11b. I'm running an 802.11g network and wondering if there is a different brand card that is 802.11g compatible that will fit my G4?

I read one guy using something called a Buffalo WiFi card or something. I don't know....
Can't believe you haven't found this:

"This means that the lonely Mac user can now link up with Mac and PC access points by using significantly lower cost wireless cards instead of expensive Airport cards. An Airport extreme card costs $99.00, whereas the D-Link card costs as little as $38.00"

works great use it on my powerbook G3 in os x 10.3. Runs 802.11g great and maybe they are working on SuperG! There is a list of compatible cards on the above link...

Hope this helps...