Alternative to Word/Endnote setup?


Mac addict since 1993
Since I will soon start on my thesis I'm desperately looking for an (inexpensive) alternative to the M$ Word/Endnote combination. Endnote's features are awesome but I don't really like the phlosophy of its developer. They took forever to release a version for OS X and even though Word and Endnote bite each other on a frequent basis (crahs, crash, crash) they haven't updated Endnote for ages.

I am somehow tempted to opt for InDesign as a substitute for Word because I want decent software to layout.

Since Endnote doesn't work with InDesign I need some other bibliographic software. I don't need the whole feature set of Endnote, just the possibility to easily manage my references.

If someone can come up with another decent setup: I'm open as long as it doesn't cost an arm and a leg ;)
The best way is LaTeX and BibTeX. Ever since my thesis I write exclusively in LaTeX. A very good LaTeX editor for OS X is TeXShop and BibDesk is a BibTeX front end.

You can easily convert LaTeX documents to RTF (readable with MS Word) or HTML. Normal LaTeX typesetting outputs PDF. There are tons of resources available on the net (packages, documentation, etc.) ... and it's all FREE! :D
Come on, people, there must be something else to choose from. Isn't there any solution that is not

– intended for *nix-heads (LaTex might be fine for some people but we're not all *nix freaks and some of us prefer more user friendly ways to work)

– unacceptably unstable like Office/Endnote

I know a few more people now who are interested in a decent solution that does not start with MS or end with Tex.

Any information matching the above criteria is appreciated!