"As Hector Ruiz's keynote this morning at Comdex drew to a close, he invited Jon Rubinstein, Apple's senior vice president of Hardware Engineering on stage and welcomed Apple Computer as AMD's newest lisencee.
Rubinstien was quoted as saying, "while specific details will not be discussed today about our collaboration with AMD, expect great things from this partnership in the upcomming year and more information to be made available at MWSF.""
64-bit x86 Hammer technology here we come!
More can be found here.
**edit** Sorry, someone I know (a PC user ) IM me this and I got excited and posted it here without verifying it. The link's URL was supposed to end in #22 but that still only brings up an unrelated Apple article. Anyway, as far as I know, AMD didn't announce any new lisencees. **edit**
Rubinstien was quoted as saying, "while specific details will not be discussed today about our collaboration with AMD, expect great things from this partnership in the upcomming year and more information to be made available at MWSF.""
64-bit x86 Hammer technology here we come!
More can be found here.
**edit** Sorry, someone I know (a PC user ) IM me this and I got excited and posted it here without verifying it. The link's URL was supposed to end in #22 but that still only brings up an unrelated Apple article. Anyway, as far as I know, AMD didn't announce any new lisencees. **edit**