Lobby for anti-flag burning legislation.
Beat the sh!t out of anti-americans (including but not limited to: gays, arabs aka. "sand niggers", communists, abortion doctors, aethiests, heathens, drug users, hippies, liberals, and other riff-raff.
Drink cheap beer, watch lots of football, and bark at your wife/girlfriend, "get me a beer, and make sure it's cold!"
Buy a gun.
Vandalize a synagouge.
Buy the largest, most inefficient SUV you can afford. Drive it daily.
Listen to Rush Limbaugh, and appreciate his logic.
Buy another gun.
Watch the War Channel, uuhh, I mean, the History Channel.
Read books about war, or machines of war, and then talk about weapons of war when getting familiar with a stranger.
Buy another gun.
If you do all this stuff it will make you more of a patriot than any little flag jpeg will.
Oh yeah, don't question your leaders, they know best and they want to protect us from evil. The less we know the safer we are. It's all a matter of national security.