An AppleScript to rotate Finder windows


this is really cool ( with ONE exception)
check the link..

applescript baby!!

{ tell application "Finder" to select last Finder window }

in the article, he says to set up Youpi Key to send the AppleScript when I press command-` in the Finder.

The problem is when I tried it, it seems to break the same hotkey on other apps ( omniweb,explorer) but now works with the finder...
( I did set up a separate set in youpi key, But that doesn't help...

see the thing is, the finder is ALWAYS running.. so making it a different set doesn't help.. so it needs a different hotkey to run..
I can't seem to get around it any other way..)

so to get around it, I set up Youpi Key to send the AppleScript when I press command-1 in the Finder, works great...
