When I get my iBook, I would find it REALLY useful to connect it to my school network, which is a Windows 2000/XP network, runing with Novell.
I don' t so much need the file sharing access, as just printers and internet. I am pretty sure I can get the printer access by just connecting to the printer server (\\wesley\printer\library_oce_1) (does that look right for a printer server?) but the Internet is harder, because we need Novell CLient Trust running for it to connect. Is there a way to get this function on Jaguar? My admins have basically told me that they hate macs, I should buy a Windows machine, and that macs are incapable of doing anything. At this point I lost all faith in out IT department
I don' t so much need the file sharing access, as just printers and internet. I am pretty sure I can get the printer access by just connecting to the printer server (\\wesley\printer\library_oce_1) (does that look right for a printer server?) but the Internet is harder, because we need Novell CLient Trust running for it to connect. Is there a way to get this function on Jaguar? My admins have basically told me that they hate macs, I should buy a Windows machine, and that macs are incapable of doing anything. At this point I lost all faith in out IT department