Dani, you make some great points. The entire thing about Macs is that you can be so much more "productive," and while we can do many things faster in OS X it really doesn't matter if we can't navigate worth crap. Its like having a brand new car that is really fast, but it takes you forever to get to 200miles per hour, your car get there but who really cares if it takes 25 minutes to inch up that high. I like Mac OS X but the percieved, (and what the hell isn't what we percieve something to be-- reality?) but the actual Finder, what we USE most to get where we want to go NEEDS to be zippy, I mean there is no reason why when I go into my pathetic collection of Mp3 files (all of like 500 files) that the Finder should decide to take a 3 or 4 minute break while displaying the rainbow beach ball, that just doesn't cut it. I mean I know I don't have the tightest system, but hell its brand new, its a PowerBook G4 550mhz, and it comes with OS X as its standard default OS, that should mean I should be able to run it FINE, but that is not the case all of the time. Anyways, just wanted to say good point Dani, and while I notice the slow down I'm also waiting for a fix, or maybe it'll be a major update... whatever it is I hope it comes soon.