Annoying File Please Help


I'm very annoyed and frustrated with this file called ".DS_Store" which will not delete or move to any folder. I'm a big perfectionist and feel it is making the desktop look horrible.

It won't even go into the trash can

Can anyone help or does anyone have the same problem?????

Help urgently needed!!!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


P.S This is trivial if u like goosebumps come to
i believe you can delete the files with root acces via the terminal but the .DS_Store files will respawn as its an integral part of the finder. By default every file with a . before its name will be hidden in osX with a utility like tinkertool you can tell osX to show or hide these files. Im not sure though but it seems possible to hide the .DS_Store file and show all the other hidden files like the BSD subtree"i think thats the name" i just dont know the correct procedure to this any one else knows this?