AnonymousGet 1.0!!!



C'mon, lighten up, I'm just happy with my first thing on VT. I mean, look at simX's MUG, you could just as easily type top :p
Sorry Joseph, I did not mean to hurt your feelings. If you want to do something really useful, how about extending this cvs frontend into a fully fledged CM tool, together with visual representation of branches and (wishful thinking) directory versioning, merge annotations, visual assistance in CVS conflict resolution... these are just off top of my head.
If you could do this, I would be willing to pay for your front-end. Seriously.
As a matter of fact... We (iThink Software) are planning on doing just that :)

THIS product was just made in my spare time, something to get our name out there, and to show more people AquaChat (another project, opensource, that I am heading), which is a preset in AnonymousGet.

Thanks for the apology anyway :)

PS - AnonymousGet is Freeware, so wahts it matter if its good or not ;)
Originally posted by Joseph Spiros
As a matter of fact... We (iThink Software) are planning on doing just that :)

THIS product was just made in my spare time, something to get our name out there, and to show more people AquaChat (another project, opensource, that I am heading), which is a preset in AnonymousGet.

Thanks for the apology anyway :)

PS - AnonymousGet is Freeware, so wahts it matter if its good or not ;)

Good; there is a lot of tedious work (and probably some actuall fun work) to get the useful front-end done right. Bad tedious/fun work ratio is probably the reason why nobody has done it (right; there have been attempts at it) yet.

And, I will pretend that I did not see your postscriptum: think about it--you make freeware so that people see your name (in hope that this will land you /better paid/ job in the future). Do you want the people to remember you as an author of crappy/useless freeware? Thought not :)

Please, do not get upset about the last comment; this is, pretty much, how the system works.

So, keep up with (good) work (and bury/burn/whatever the bad :)