Yep, That's Me!
I try very hard not to use M$ software for many reasions, this being one of them. How come all the sudden I go to open a Windows Media file I get this message (see attachment). Its not fair
Is there a program that I can use to convert the file type to a QT file type
Oh, and I tried to use MPlayer and VLC to open the files. In VLC I got this message:

Oh, and I tried to use MPlayer and VLC to open the files. In VLC I got this message:
access_file: file /Users/bkaron/Movies/Funny & WOW Clips/Funny/Man Show Boy "Beer".wmv is empty, aborting
main: no suitable access module for `/:///Users/bkaron/Movies/Funny & WOW Clips/Funny/Man Show Boy "Beer".wmv'
main: no suitable access module for `/:///Users/bkaron/Movies/Funny & WOW Clips/Funny/Man Show Boy "Beer".wmv'