Another Story Thread

'We are beer drinking monkeys" the monkey said. Steve Jobs then telported himself the hell out of that world by using his Graqua, a new machine/car that could travel into parallel universes/worlds. It could also fly.

The next universe Steve got in was...
steve ballmer saying over and over again...developers developers developers Jobs...
but realised that they were all sweaty and too big for him. Besides he didn't want to throw away his turtleneck shirt his grandma gave him for christmas.
Now Steve thought to himself..."what can I do to make people believe in mac?"...when suddenly...
No he didn't. He thought he did, but really he was transported into a parallel universe where various alien entities asked him where they could buy a cool LCD iMac...
...but Steve saw right through the aliens and realised that the were in fact not macfans but mere peecee fanatics dressed up to look like kewl macfans. He then...