Any Harm In Keeping Firefox Running While Sleeping?

OK, thanks again, guys. But I guess no one saw my retrospective question (sorry about that). I was just wondering if I leave FF running while in Sleep mode and all the FF windows/tabs open, should I at least sign out of certain pages (like eBay, Hotmail, Yahoo!, forums, etc.)? I'm not sure why, but there's something about not signing out of my accounts (like PayPal and eBay) and just leaving it hanging there ... I don't know ... makes me paranoid and squirmy inside. Does it matter?
Most banking sites will log you out automatically after 10 minutes or so, so you're pretty safe there.

For security reasons, i personally set Firefox to forget all passwords and all browsing data upon quitting. So I usually quit Firefox anytime I'm done browsing so no personal data remains after any session. I imagine that data accessible to my browser is accessible to anyone so I don't allow it to be saved in FF.

I believe the question is not should you worry about your computer data being compromised when it's asleep, you should protect it at all times. That means your firewall is on and you have a router with a firewall in it as well armed with the proper protections. Whether you leave your browser on your computer, on or off, is just part of the overall picture.

That being said, accounts I'd worry about, like PayPal and Ebay can be easily hacked (it happened to me on PayPal so DO NOT enter your personal bank account on either of these sites) you should definitely log out of when you're done. Hotmail and other mail or news sites are less critcal unless you have any personal or accounting/fiinancial data stored in those sites; then I'd close those as well.