Any luck with USB wireless network adapters?


I wasn't sure if this should go in peripherals or networking, so I took a shot...

Has anypne had good luck with finding a USB wireless network adapter that will actually work with Jaguar? I haven't.

I have an indigo iMac which I'd like to add to my airport (11b, not 11g) network. It's not airport-ready so I need to go another route.

So far I've tried:

D-Link DWL-122 - after 10 minutes of connection drops connection and hangs entire system with Beach Ball of Death. Must reboot.

Macsense AreoPad Plus - spontaneously unistalls the driver when the system enters sleep mode.

Belkin F5D6050 - couldn't get past the 1st field in the driver setup (network name). This field defaults to 'ANY'. Upon changing it to our network name it pops up a dialog asking for the admin password. Upon entering said password, the field is reset to ANY. Repeat 7 times before giving up. WTF!


I'm ready to start hacking the walls to run a physical wire...

Anyone else had better experiences?
