Originally posted by Javintosh
I had that problem. I deleted the application, then searched for the preferences:
and deleted them. I logged out and in and then reinstalled the app. It's been fine ever since...
Originally posted by kainjow
The reason it's not working is because WeatherPop get it's weather info from Yahoo! weather. Yahoo will every once in a while change their weather pages a little bit (in the HTML source) so this will then mess up WeatherPop. I know this because I'm developing an app that downloads weather from yahoo weather and I have to parse through the HTML content.
Originally posted by kainjow
Well, I can prove that it uses Yahoo: Control-click on WeatherPop, select Package Contents, go to /Contents/Resources/ then control-click WeatherPop.menu, go to /Contents/Resources/ then control-click, on WeatherPop Setup, select Package Contents, then go to Contents/Resources/weather.pl. Weather.pl is the script that retrieves the data from Yahoo.
So the whole path is:
WeatherPop.app/Contents/Resources/WeatherPop.menu/Contents/Resources/WeatherPop Setup/Contents/Resources/weather.pl
There ya go: proof
if ($confHash{'action'} eq 'id') {
my $cityId = $confHash{'city_id'};
my $units = $confHash{'units'};
$link = "http://weather.yahoo.com/forecast/" . $cityId . "_" . $units . ".html";
&httpGet(\%confHash, $link, \$header, \$data);
my %hash;
&parseCityPage(\$data, \%hash);
# foreach my $k (keys %hash) {
# print "[$k] -> [$hash{$k}]\n";
# }
$plistData = &outputHashAsPlist(\%hash);
Ah.. you mean like Debugging code? Isn't that what supposedly makes OS X slow?Originally posted by symphonix
As best I can tell (and my Perl is so-so) the commented code returns all the hash-pairs as a list. This would be handy in testing just to see what values you have stored.