first let me say that I did ask about drawing capabilities for the protype MiniMac that I'm dreaming about. Or MacNSketch. Used mainly for image editing on the fly using Photoshop, Painter, etc- definitely could be viewed as a 'digital stetchbook'. It could be built for other tasks as well, like simple video editing, playing DVDs, etc. The Cintiq is fine to draw on, if a little clunkier than most people want to believe, and it's rooted to another machine in all cases. Plus it's vertical. If you could hold the screen in your hand, you limit the handicaps of certain constraining angles. Now if the Cintiq were a little smaller, but had a CPU under the hood, I' be a happy man... That being said, I tote around a 4x5 Wacom with my iBook, and I use the Ink Recognition for writing all the time...once you train it a bit, it's a great tool...