Any Solutions to Mounting Maxtor External FW Devices?


Hi, has anyone out there found a solution for getting their Maxtor external FW devices to mount to the desktop yet? I gave them a few months to create updated drivers, as was strongly suggested to me by one of the well-known computer chains, who sells lots of Maxtors.

I tried everything under the sun short of a gunshot to the device to get it to mount to the desktop. OSX 10.4.5 was lethal, but more lethal is Maxtor's unwillingness to create updated drivers for Mac users. Really! I bought the device a year ago & this is it— 'Lost another customer to.......'

Where are Muldar & Skully when you need them?! We got a major X-File here. The answer must be out there.
I can't remember what people and you said about the problem. I have heard before if someone unplugs all the extras to their Mac then reset the PRAM. This may help.
Thanks Satcomer,
I tried that one. It worked for another FW device, but not my Maxtor storage unit. I really think Maxtor just needs to create a newer driver for Mac Maxtor users. It's like having the wrong sparkplugs for your car.