Any way to kill a crashed game process?

open a terminal window
type in:
that will run a program that shows you the processes running on your system, and using your resources.

now open another terminal window. o nthe first one, check to see the PID (process ID) of the game that you want to kill
in the NEW window, type kill [PID]

that will end it for you.
If you cannot see or do anything on your own machine you might try to log in remotely and see what's going on (use ps or top and kill), but you need to have "allow remote login" enabled in System Preferences -> Sharing -> Services.
Thank you all very much, have been away for a while, i'll check it out when it happens next time. (doesn't happen too often;-) OS X rocks!
You don't have to open a new Terminal window to kill a process while top's running, just push Control-C.