Any way to make xterm NOT open when opening X11?


Depressed as hell
I like x11's speed and the fact that I can now EASILY install the Gimp. One thing I'm wondering about is whether there is a way to either remove xterm from opening every time I open X11, or run the Gimp directly without having to go to X11. Lemme know!

Here's a quote from the unofficial FAQ

The .xinitrc file needs to go in the base of your home directory. Use your favorite text editor to create and edit this file, a simple .xinitrc is as follows:
# This line sets your path environment
export PATH

# Opens up an xterm
xterm &

# opens up the oclock clock
oclock &

# opens up the fun xeyes program
xeyes &

# Runs the quartz-wm so you can interact with the applications you've started


You need to make sure that a window manager is listed or you will have applications open that have no title bars that you can't move or minimize.

So what this text file does is tell X11 what to do when you start it. The # signs denote comments until you hit return for the next line. The 3 lines in the middle that say 'xterm &', 'oclock &', and 'xeyes &' are all examples of programs that will automaticallys start up.

You can change the 'xterm &' to 'gimp &' and put # signs down there in front of the oclock and xeyes (or just delete those two and their comments).

Now when you start X11, gimp will be what is launched.

I hope this works out for you!
PS: a file that starts with '.' will be invisible, and some editors may give you flak. I use TinkerTool to enable invisible files so I dont get lost.
open and type:

sudo pico /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc

you'll be asked for your admin password enter it an delete the line:

xterm &

Now just press "ctrl+o" then "ctrl+x"

That's it...
BoneFill just explained the easy way, but it will overwrite the original xinitrc file, instead of making another file to go by.

For that reason, incase you want to revert back someday, put a # in front of 'xterm &' to comment it out instead of deleting it, then on the next line you can add '/sw/bin/gimp &' to get gimp to auto-launch.

(Between pushing ctrl-o and ctrl-x, you push enter to confirm the over-write.)

There's always like 10 ways to do everything in *nix!
Originally posted by BoneFill
open and type:

sudo pico /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc

you'll be asked for your admin password enter it an delete the line:

xterm &

Now just press "ctrl+o" then "ctrl+x"

That's it...

Thanks a lot, that was perfect :)
