1. Go to Macintosh HD/System/Library/coreservices using an admin account
2. Rename the search.bundle to something else, provide admin password as asked
3. reboot the mac
yanges said:i believe what you are showing in that pic is Spotlight...
Ah. Well, Spotlight has a "filename" criteria, which, in theory, should work just like the old search. It also should, in theory, behave just as it used to when searching non-indexed drives. Not all Spotlight searches use fancy-schmancy metadata fields.yanges said:Mikuro
i was just commenting on lurks mention of using 'Find in Finder' the old way - i am not actually using 10.4 yet, but others have commented that the old way of finding files is not available, only Spotlight is available for searches...
someone correct me if i am wrong....