Any word on new Safari updates?


Staff member
Apple spoiled me by releasing an update just days after the initial release. It has now been over a week since the last release, what is up with that? :)

Just kidding... BUT... needless to say, any rumors floating around on Safari release schedule?
i don't think you'll see much unless there's another showstopper bug (a la the deleting of home directory bug) that crops up. recently, apple has been releasing a 'beta' product, then put out a final some months later. i think the unique severity of the bugs that were found were the only reasons they put out that 2nd release.
Cmon guys it has been released less than 2 weeks ago....why you already want an update... cmon press that BUG button send feedback help apple....and then wait for a BIG update ...not a nightly build....
For now, it's unclear what time frame Apple aims at for a 1.0 final release. But I guess Apple will _take_ the chance and send out newer betas from time to time.

Apparently Dave Hyatt and many others are constantly working on improving this sweet application. I don't know whether the feature set for 1.0 has already been finalised, but I'd guess that we'll see two or three more builds before release. And my guess is that it'll be available for download by WWDC 2003.
I heard somewhere that someone found a message in the Safari package stating that this beta would expire some time in June of this year. Something will happen before then, most likely much before then.
It all depends on how the time frame is set. That date could mean anything, but basically only that a newer beta OR a final version will appear before that date...
It took six months to get all the bugs out of iSync and put it out as 1.0. Keep this in mind. :)
Nightly build.......smightly smild!
We want a big update with everything fixed and ready to burn rubber so to speak.