Anybody else want Unix Focus forum restored?

As a X user who is trying to learn more and more unix every day, the unix topic area was a place where I could find all the help i ever needed. What's with the linux column? I mean, Linux is great and everything, but you would think there should a darwin specific topic area before an operating system that is totally removed from what the point of the site is. or at least what i thought the point was.... Have a good day!

Oh yeah, and windows? What the hell is up with that? I mean shit, people who want windows support can go to a windows specific board. You would think that would cater specifically to macintosh users and to the technologies that best pertain to them.

windows.... that's just piss poor.

have a great day peoples

It's funny for me to post in this kind of topic.
I don't know a single thing about unix. When I have to do something in my terminal, i check it two or three times to be sure writing the good thing.
For the year I've been reading this forum, I may have spent less than an hour reading the unix forum. May be 0,5% of the all time.
It's another world, with another language. Not totally alien, but...
To be honnest, it's a reassuring thing to know some people here really understand what is, for me, just a very big productive tool.
Someone says upper in this thread that the new arranging of the forums made him reading things he would never have read before. He's right. I've read some unix threads since with real enjoyment.
I will browse in your forum with much interest and pleasure.
But you need your own world.

Bring back the unix forum !
tick tick tick. I really do think that we need to get a unix forum back and get rid of the windows and pda forums. It really is silly :)
i think it s kind of funny that they are now asking for certification questions. seeing as how they changed to format of the boards from one where people mostly learned new UNIX tools and worked on troubleshooting, to one where people discuss whether they have a boyfriend/girlfriend, and take polls as to which is better OSX or WinXP.

do you think those make good questions to put on an OSX certification exam?
As a newbie, I cast my vote for a UNIX forum. I'm trying to learn all this stuff currently. I went through Yoshi's PHP/MYSQL HOWTO last night, and I am still struggling with the MYSQL part. I've now printed out both that thread and Admiral's HOWTO on basic UNIX commands.

I would love a place where I can come and learn more.