I'm generally fairly comfortable in unix, but I am a HW guy, not a SW guy,
so my skills in the area of making/building are not so strong (and this is
where unix seems to get even more cryptic than the most cryptic

The line you posted does not work for me. Its trying to execute CPPFLAGS,
not pass it as a parameter into ./configure.
So I popped open configure in "vi" and added the extra paths to
the lines by hand. (for /usr/local/lib, include)
Anyway, I still get that it finds all the jpeg header files, but fails on
finding the func jpeg_read_header in libjpeg (-ljpeg)...
I've copieg libjpeg.a to the build directory, I've editted the Makefile and
included it there
LIB_JPEG = -l/usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a
thinking that might bypass the configure process... but no dice ;-(