anyone here going to mac world expo in july?

I'll be at the Beach that week. I won't even get to go watch the keynote live in the Apple Store :mad:

I'll have to think ahead next year :(
Hahaha dricci. I never though I would see the day when someone complains that he is on the beach instead of watching an expo keynote on a computer screen :D
Originally posted by dricci
I'll be at the Beach that week. I won't even get to go watch the keynote live in the Apple Store :mad:

I'll have to think ahead next year :(

you can also do like in the net, and bring your laptop to the
beach and using cel check it out :)
Once we get a little closer to the date we need to coordinate meeting one another.

Just to say hi face to face...
Originally posted by twyg
Once we get a little closer to the date we need to coordinate meeting one another.

Just to say hi face to face...

I wish I could gooooo....damn it :p
perhaps next year when I take my vacation in August to go to germany :p
Just to clear it up, I'll be there. It's 30 blocks away, I mean, come on!

ABass, I'm deleting that last one. Stupid f'd up school computer network... :P
I'll be at MWNY.

It's pretty easy to get there when you live in NYC. :) 

Whatever is released then is going to determine the new Mac I get. I'm hoping for some nice new G4 towers w/ at least 1.2GHz at the mid-end and DDR RAM. :D

I can't wait! Looks like it'll be a great show this year!

I definitely want to coordinate meeting everyone. We need to do this, but not yet as it's not for another two months! But, everyone, I'll take on the job as Community Corresponder, if you want, since I live the closest to the expo and also will be there all three days. So, feel free to email me <> about setting up times we can all meet.
Argh, I would like to go. I live very close to MWSF and get tickets every year but... School is always during the expo. I might be in NY around that time though so I might contact you bluefusion.
damn it its late!! At first I even thought it was in June but when I heard it was in July, I was like DOH!! Too long to wait!!

But i'm just a teenage without patience :D