Anyone running 10.1 please read need some feedback


Greetings... I could use a little help.

All my machines are upgraded beyond plain 10.1
If you are running plain Mac OS X 10.1 please copy and paste the script below into the applescript editor and run. then either email or post your result to me. 10.1.3 returns 4115 and 10.1.2 returns 4114

-- start copy and paste into script editor
tell application "Finder" to set sysVersion to (system attribute "sysv")
display dialog sysVersion
-- end copy and paste into script editor

email me at

or post here

I need this info for an installer I am working on

BTW Classic? V2 is nearly ready for prime time... Awesome new features!
Umm, if this is any help, it's from stepwise about how the dockling warning version, which is the same think you're looking at, the OS number in decimal.

There is now a mechanism in place to get rid of the warning dialogs in future updates without updating the dockling glue library. If OS X is updated again, the dockling library will now look for a key in the dockling bundle's Info.plist called DocklingWarningVersion. If the value stored under this key is greater than or equal to the OS version, the warning dialog will not be displayed. The version number (which I get from a call to Gestalt()) is formatted by means of hex digits. For instance, 0x1000 denotes Mac OS X 10.0.0, 0x1003 denotes, 10.0.3, etc. Of course in the plist, this value should be written in decimal, not hex, so 10.0.0 has a value of 4096, 10.0.3 is 4099, etc.

Hope that's useful :)