Anyone seen or used this?

"This" meaning your message. Saw it, sure. Used it? Um, no.

If you were referring to something else, it's a bit cryptic...

EDIT: now there's a link. Somehow it didn't show the first time...
I like it. been thinking about buying it, but then I'd have to buy an iSight.
That's tiaght. I don't own an iSight or a computer that can actually run one though.
Heh, that would be cool... but it would put your iSight off-center, which is one of the big selling points for it: the fact that it's almost at eye level and you're almost looking straight into it when you teleconference. With this stand, you could move it above your screen, I suppose, but that would defeat the point.

On a side note, that's what makes teleconferencing on TV and in movies look fake: they look directly at the camera. In real life you don't do that because you're watching the other guy on the screen.