Anyone Seen the Game Boy Advance SP?!


iWork for Apple <3
OMG! it looks so cool! take a look. It has a back lit screen, built in rechargeable battery and it is really tiny!

it is ? 3 cm thick(unfolded), and the 10 cm (width & length ) I mean look

I am getting one when it comes out in the US only bad thing is that the black one won't be avalable in the US only in Japan
I've been tracking it on It looks like a pretty sweet piece of hardware. Speculation says that Nintendo designed the GBA SP to look more like a gadget so that it would appeal to an older crowd.
I would imagine that it would be hard to use the old Game Boy Camera with it, though, as the cartridge slot is upside down this time around. :p
a few odd things though
1) you have to buy a headphone adapter
2) the AC adapter looks like a mini fire wire cable at the end

who is going to get one when it comes out :D
I've played with them and i must say they're nothing special. Backlit screen and rechargable batteries will save you thousands each year, but other than that you're not getting anything better than a regular GBA.
I was going to get the Gameboy Player for my GCN instead but with it getting a delay and it's price "could" be $50. I'll be eyeing the SP.
I really am buying one for my little bro. I saw the GBASP right before his b-day in Febuary and decided that since I'd never really bought him a present before that I'd be nice and buy him one for his 13th b-day when it came out.