Anyone switched to Firefox 3 or latest Webkit?


Has anyone compared both Firefox 3 and the latest Webkit? Advantages of Firefox 3: Some extensions work, fast, well-supported. Disadvantages: not a cocoa app so no Services; 71 on Acid3. Advantages of nightly Webkit: fast, 100 on Acid3, clean UI, Cocoa app so Services work. Disadvantages: limited "extensions" compared to even Firefox 3.

I would be curious to hear from people comparing both of these browsers and the decisions or trade-offs they made.
I love the way FF3 handles passwords, but it gets very sluggish sometimes when I type, to the point where I have typed a whole sentence but FF3 is only displaying half of it. Page display seems faster in FF3, but it seems like WK is loading everything at once, and may be faster that way. This is on a 1 GHz G4/768 MB RAM.
I'm using FF 3.0b5 as of yesterday after using beta 4 for some time, and it's great albeit a little slower than 2.0.0.x was on my iMac G5 running Tiger (I'm hoping that changes once the final version if out). It does actually feel al little sluggish even when typing, but I'm assuming that might have more to do with the beta tag on FF 3.x.

I tried Safari 3.1 a bit when it came out, but since I don't use Safari I didn't play enough with it to notice a difference between that and the previous version.

Incidentally, I saw a news blurb saying that the GNOME project is going to use WebKit instead of Gecko as the web rendering engine for their Epiphany web browser. I'm curious to see how much better it performs on my GNU/Linux systems running GNOME once it's available.