Anyone tested Quake 2 / Quake 3 test?

I ran Unreal Tourney, and while it did not hang the OS, it ran like crap, I couldn't move and I could see the system mouse cursor in the game. Took forever to load and to exit as well... I think thats pushing Classic a bit far . (G4 450 128 ram)
The Quake 2 I was mentioned was the one designed for MacOS X. Though, it is interesting to see how well it classic games are handled, as this will certainly be a selling point for some home users. I'll create a new thread for the issue of classic games.
Not good news I'm afraid.

I downloaded the MacOS X server version from the Omni website and tried it on the beta and it doesnt work. Apparently MacOS X Beta doesnt run MacOS X server applications.

I emailed Omni, asking if a version of QuakeII was going to be released for the beta and they replied saying "they are currently working on QuakeIII".

Which I think is a nice way of saying no.
Originally posted by AntonioStrijdom
I emailed Omni, asking if a version of QuakeII was going to be released for the beta and they replied saying "they are currently working on QuakeIII".

Hmm. OmniGroup said they were working on it? Sounds weird, considering id themselves has said Q3 will run natively on OS X in their next release...