Anything like SubEthaEdit - Windows?


Chmod 760
Staff member
Heh. I need to deal with Windows at work...

Is anyone aware of an application like SubEthaEdit but for Windows?
What I want is a simple text editor that will allow collaboration, so multiple people to edit the same file on the same time. Access control with different r/w/- privileges is needed.

And if there are multiple apps to do this, ideally the free or open versions...

So far I haven't found anything like this. Or the closest and yet very far solution is using a wiki. Which doesn't allow the same time editing...
Ooh excellent Eldiablo :) trac has some problems on the website but I'll give those a try.

I was just thinking that it wouldn't be out of question to actually use something with Linux (Ubuntu or other) since most of the people I'd be editing with are actually running both Windows and Linux. So would there be something similar also for Linux? :)