Aol Instant Messenger Troubles


Hi there. I upgraded my aol instant messenger (version 4.7). It looks a lot like the pc version. But I can't do silly simple things I used to be able to do. I can't send a message to someone without actually clicking the send button. Tab doesn't work and enter doesn't either. Ok, as we're speaking I just figured it out, you just type the apple/alt button + enter. Now, for the other thing. I used to be able to put my buddy's name in place of their screen name in my buddy list. Can't anymore. Can anyone else do that and tell me how? Thanks. Have a great holiday. :o)
Why not use ichat? It's compatible to aol and does what you are missing in the current version of the aol messenger. The only thing is that you can't send any messeges to an offline buddy.
For AIM, if you want to send messages easily, do this:

From the AIM menu, choose "Preferences..." and click on "IMs." Then make sure "Return Key sends message" is checked, and click "Save."

As for the other issue... hrm... I can't find that in AIM.

Both of these features are in iChat, however.
Thanks for the tips...I have IChat, and go back and forth with using it and AIM. I've noticed also that the buddy icons that are supposed to move (flash type ones), which do move in AIM don't move in IChat. That's obviously not a major problem, but an annoying one nonetheless. I have to pay for IChat upgrades, right?? I'd rather get the AIM freebies. Thanks again.
For Jaguar, yes, iChat is $30. It's an incentive to upgrade to Panther.

Personally, I rather enjoy having static buddy icons in iChat, especially since everyone's icon is visible in the buddy list. But I believe iChat 3 will have animatable icons.
Well .. AIM and iChat are not the only alternatives. I tried again Proteus ... but it felt sooo pale compared to Adium -- that has gone a reaaaal long way from the last time I used it. No flashy icons there either, but actually, for some things I like Adium more than iChat .. ie using both here. But no standard AIM client ...
Adium is an amazing piece of open-source Mac software, and has really come a long way, especially in terms of interface- extremely customizable and powerful. However, it is lacking in some standard features, and I find the file transfers in Adium flaky at best.