AOL to switch to Gecko (Mozilla)


This should be great for the web as a whole. No matter what you think of AOL or AOL users, it will cause a shift away from IE only sites. People will be forced to support W3C standards or else they will alianate a large number of visitors. This is a good thing for the Internet even if AOL might be 'evil'. This is not an evil situation this will be good for everyone in the long run, well except for microsoft :)
Buahahahaha! Yay for HTML standards! It's a big kick in the ass to M$... this is ONE release of AOL software I'm actually looking forward to. (Not an AOL user myself, but my parents do, and I know plenty of people who still use AOL sw)

I've been hoping AOL would dump IE for years now. I guess they finally feel the timing is right with Mozilla (Gecko) about to be declared a 1.0 release.

Once AOL 8.0 comes out with the Gecko rendering engine in place instead of IE, I really hope that AOL pumps the upgrade.

The one downside to this is that once this happens, Microsoft will have a legitimate arguement against Netscape/AOL about MS being a monopoly. The argument will still be valid that MS engages in illegal business practices though.
Here is my personal opinion.

AOL is a giant company.
They make buggy software
They buy out companies, then screw up thier very good products (Netscape, ICQ)
They have screwed up royally by releasing Netscape 6.0 before it was ready.
They sell advertisments on the service that people pay for.


I have never, in my entire life, ever been forced to subscribe to AOL with a new computer with no hope of refund. I have never, ever, in my entire life, had to pay for AOL's bug fixes as a new edition - in fact, new AOL software is usually free.

I have never ever been forced by circumstance or design to use AOL software if I didn't want to.

AOL may be idiot simple and a horrible ISP for those who know thier way around the internet, but at least I've never been forced to use AOL if I didn't want to.

I've been waiting for this news for AGES! I work for a very large entertainment company, now I have new ammo to convince my superiors to adopt the W3C compliance for webpages.



Glad the 'number one internet provider' now uses an HTML-standards-compliant web browser.

Also interesting, AOL is switching their internal computers to Linux. RedHat I believe

I'm sticking with FreeBSD on my intel hardware!