Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

Hi jimnr :-)

i'm relatively familiar with the .htaccess things and the httpd.conf, but i get them already working, before i installed this "suexec_"-Things!....

Do you can give me (us) a shortly explaination of what this "suexec" is good or bad?

(sounds like sudo for automation.... dangerous for hacking???)
In a nutshell, suexec lets the webserver run commands as a user other than its default (www in your case, since you told it to run as that in the config stuff). Mainly used to help generate server-side includes, but I suppose it could possibly be used with other stuff, too.
... :-) .... *hihi*...... my fortune is to want make everything hackingsure, but i overlooked to compile/install the apache with "suexec".... *lol*...! so, thank you for the hint! :-)

does anyone know, how to uninstall this "suexec"?... *hihi*.... (sorry darkshadow, i seem to fall from one trouble in the other... *hihi*)... :-)

just exactly that any imperfectly implemented technology
opens the door for some external troublemakers.

you can limit the directories where suexec may be utilized.
it is only a "potential" security risk.

very handy when used in the right way.