Apache getting crazy!!!!!!!

Hi all,
This is happening to me now.
I'm running 10.1 Server and running mail and apache. Since today everytime I reboot the computer one configuration file for apache is deleted. [/etc/httpd/httpd_macosxserver.conf ] If I copy the file back (I have a backup) and restart apache it works. Now, I want to find why this file is gone everytime. So I want to stop apache to startup at boot time. How can I do that? In my app ServerAdmin, in the tab internet, Web is not ther anymore!!!!! soooo, I want to find the bootup sequence. I checked with webmin and nah, even manually the rc, rc.boot, rc.common and nothing. where the hell is apache turned on?
Edit /etc/hostconfig. Change the line that says WEBSERVER=-YES- to say WEBSERVER=-NO-

That'll stop apache from starting up the next time you boot.

Alternately, you can open the Sharing preference pane in System Preferences, and turn off Personal Websharing. This does the same thing (it changes the hostconfig file).
The problem is thar I'm running the server, and in the server there in not such a thing like that. But now I figured out.
The ServerAdmin in launching this daemons, but at the same time if you modified manually the httpd_macosxserver.conf, serveradmin trying to restore it will eventualy delete it. Son I just removed the Apache.rasplug from the server admin folder and it i working. I just need a script to launch apache everytime I reboot. Any ideas?
Originally posted by Gabriel Camiro
I just need a script to launch apache everytime I reboot. Any ideas?

Try fooling around with Applescript until you figure something out. (Like: "tell application X/launch apache" or something [I'm not an Applescript maven, so I don't know... but look around].)