Apache Web Server site name


I am hosting a small website with Apache Web Server software (OSX). Is there a way to use a sexier address name than the IP address? In other words, can you substitute words like "my-home-page" for the IP address so viewers could use http://myhomepage/myimages/ ? Just wondering. Thanks for any tips
If you're accessing the site from your local machine where the site is hosted, yes.

If you're serving pages beyond your own machine or local network, then no, you can't... not without purchasing a domain name and pointing the name servers to your IP address. If you happen to have a dynamic IP address, things get a little more complicated, and you'll have to use a dynamic host resolution service like dyndns.org or similar.

Please elaborate on exactly who you'd like to do this with, in terms of how they connect to the web server presently and where on the network they are.