Apatche redirect??


Some days ago I found out that my Ibook has a webserver!! and its the Apatche! But I'm not an Apatche guy...

So: I'm the one and only user of my Ibook and I want people to be directed to my Sites folder when they type my ip in there browsers. Is there any way in doing this or do they have to type the http://xxx.xxx.x.x/~user/??

2 ways:

1) put your html files in /Library/WebServer/Documents (you can alias your ~user/Sites folder to it). You might have to change the ownership of the Documents folder to be able to put files in there.

2) edit /etc/httpd/http.conf (as root) and change the DocumentRoot variable to point to your Sites folder. Then stop and start your Web Server from the System Preferences under the Sharing panel.