App for storing sensitive information on iphone, syncs with mac.


Hey boys and gals, happy new year to you and your families.

I am looking for a stable and extra safe platform for my iphone and mac to store sensitive data (bank account no.s, passwords, receipts, certificates, ids, cc etc.). It will have to sync preferable over the air, have super strong encryption and allow a variety of files.

I ve really looked deep and hard for this, but I haven't come away with an impression that one is better than the other, or that enough users are vouching for it, hence I am posting to the forums for experience.

Off the top of my head what seemed to stand out was meo, lockbox and 1 password (sp?), but none was all around convincing or had enough good references.

If there are any users that have a contrarian approach to safety (the people who think a laptop with no wifi that never connects to the network being the only solution) I would love them to chime in, because it's important that we try to establish a realistic but practical approach to our data that will safeguard them.