APP makes 10.3.3 crash!!

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So I finally upgraded to 10.3.3 the other day and ever since then I get the following problems:

-After a while I run a download App the system crashes (about 3-4 times a day). If I don't run BT then every thing runs perfectly

-Canon Image Browser crashes on start up everytime

Really annoying to say the least.

Also how come pictures downloaded from the net or digital cameras do not generate icon previews? Seems strange Apple hasn't addressed this yet.
Send a bug report to both the developers of the APP, and to Apple (if you think it is their issue, and not the other programs).

Some jpgs do not have the preview of the image. In Photoshop etc you can choose whether to create the preview or not. For web use, not having the preview makes the images smaller, and loading faster.
This is ridiculous. There are very few apps that could LEGALLY be proven to be ONLY used/usable for piracy.
Gia: The Finder has an option to generate icon previews all by itself, and I guess he's activated that. But: That's a folder-based option, i.e. maybe you have set the Desktop to show them, but not the folder those pictures are in?
DCD said:
Also how come pictures downloaded from the net or digital cameras do not generate icon previews? Seems strange Apple hasn't addressed this yet.
Because the preview icons are a separate bitmap image encapsulated in the graphic file and generating that preview is not a function of any OS. The preview bitmap is often intentionally stripped out of images to be used on the internet to reduce the bandwidth necessary to transmit the image to your computer. As far as I know there are no digital cameras that generate the preview bitmap internally which saves storage space in the camera, and reduces the time required for the camera to process the image and get ready for the next shot.

Graphic Converter, Adobe Photoshop, or any one of several other image processing applications can add the preview bitmap at the cost of making the file larger, and possibly changing other aspects of the image in the process. According to how you have the application preferences set, adding the preview may only require you to open the file in one of these graphic applications and then immediately save it.
How about the "Show Icon preview" option in the Finder, that IS GENERATED DYNAMICALLY.
Before posting seemingly educated posts, please have some idea what you are talking about.
My experience (with some "unnamed" apps; are the same for this problem) is that when a partial file is tried to be previewed, it can freeze the Finder. It looks like the Finder preview utility is trying to build the preview icon and waits for the file to finish its download. I consider this is a least a weakness of the current version of the Finder not to have put some kind of time-out for the preview generation.
Why was the name of the app in question censored? Correct me if you wish, but there are lots of things you can download with BT that aren't pirated material. I understand being concerned with supporting piracy, but come on guys...
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