Apple 30" display in G5 spot?


Prime Minister
There was an Apple commercial on MTV which showed the G5 crashing through the walls of a house, and out into the yard. The copy read "Seriously fast." The interesting part is that the display was also SERIOUSLY was obviously larger than the 23".
Yeah, I guess all the speculation went to my's just a plain old 23".

Funny how now that we hear of a possible 30", the 23" seems so
I saw that commercial on the allstar game... I was at work taking my lunch and lo it was there. I was so excited I nearly spilled my mountain dew and the other guy in the break room looked at me funny. I didn't happen to notice however if it was a large screen :-/
I saw the end of that commercial on ABC during Jimmy Kimmel's show, then I flipped back to NBC for the rest of Leno and the same commercial came on. I think I would have noticed if it had a monitor bigger than my TV. And to clarify: the G5 does not go crashing through the house (that would damage the computer), the guy does. Since it's so powerful. And stuff.
It's the greatest machine ever, but the commercial sux.
Back to the drawing board, Apple('s ad agency)!
"Hey, man, come check out this new computer! It'll blow you through the walls of your house." Wow, awesome!

The funny thing is, from what was on the monitor, he wasn't even doing anything with it. It just showed the standard blue background. Now, if it had been running a DVD with a transparent terminal on top while rendering something in the background, that would be impressive.
Dlatu1983, that's the 23" like others said. It's not a good idea to post new topics with misleading titles like that that only contain wild speculation or poor judgement. :P
Originally posted by arden
It just showed the standard blue background. Now, if it had been running a DVD with a transparent terminal on top while rendering something in the background, that would be impressive.

I thought the commercial was about the cheese grater?
Spitty, the bloke pinned to the tree has the mouse in his hand (it's white) with the ripped cable dangling from it.

It's between 4.2 and 5 seconds into the movie. I only know that because the same point was raised on a UK board this afternoon, so I investigated the movie in QT. Easy to miss!