Apple angry about Steve Jobs biography

It just shows that Jobs doesn't like anything other than praise and arse kissing.

All hail... bah. Whatever. Just keep making an OS that works for all I care, he could dropkick babies into rush hour traffic and has a SM fetish with Teddy Ruxpin dolls for all it's worth.

He's just a man in the end of the day regardless. One that has a huge smug look on his face, and more zeros in his bank account after the first number than mine.

But I didn't think that unauthorized books could be pulled unless the contents were considered libel anyway.
lol @ gerbick..

He has always been funny about people asking and commenting about his personal life. I dont blame him in many ways. However steve jobs seems to be the kind of guy who loves attention, but only a certain type of attention.

I read "the second comming of steve jobs" and it was a interesting read. I think he is crazy, but also a genius.

Maybe he just wants to be seen as a genius.
Well he's currently the CEO of two of the best branded companies in the world, Apple and PIXAR.

You can't beat those two for track records under his leadership, anywhere in any industry.
I don't care for any unauthorized biography doesn't matter who it is. I only care about continuing the fortunes of Apple,not the "cult of personality" around Mr. Jobs.
True, but the two are colliding here. Note that Apple is ejecting all books by that publisher from their Apple stores.

John Wiley & Sons publish, among other things:

o CliffsNotes™
o For Dummies®
o Frommer's®
o The Unofficial Guide®
Its a political statement..

Ditch them as a supplier and hurt the bottom line.

Apple could choose to see it as a damaging move towards them (writing about jobs in a light they dont like) and that in turn could hurt their bottom line.

I think apple should have just ignored it.. how many of us would have read that book.
The title of the book is "iCon", which, aside from being so 1999, implies Apple's CEO is a con-artist. I think that's probably at the heart of the bad reaction, even though I agree that all they've really done is generate publicity for the book.
The first chapter of the book is online and features things like random folks who barely knew him in high school calling him a "cry baby". I'm sure that you could probably find similar garbage out about anyone who wasn't the school bully.

The story about Jobs cheating Woz over their first deal with Atari (over "Breakout") is also in the first chapter -- I've come across it elsewhere, probably in one of Levy's books ("Insanely Great" or "Hackers", I'm don't remember which) except pretty much every detail is different (when it happened, how much money was involved, and how long the resulting estrangement was). It makes me wonder if the story is true at all.

Unauthorized biographies always suffer from a lack of access to key people (i.e. the subject of the biography and the people nearest and dearest to him or her). This one has a title that paints Jobs is dishonest ... not a good start.

"Hard Drive" (the first Gates biography) was also unauthorized, and said plenty of really nasty things about Gates (basically painting him as a borderline crooked businessman who deliberately sabotaged rivals' products and bought favorable verdicts in key court decisions that would have -- it is implied justly -- seriously damaged Microsoft), but the title simply implied he was a driven man -- something no-one would deny.