Guys I really need help! I made a new account on my computer for the family to use. I made the account require no password, and put only a few restrictions on what apps and utilities they can use. I set that account to be the one my computer logs onto automatically when the computer boots up. Then I pressed Restart and everything we wrong.
I get the normal boot sound..then the gray screen with gray Apple logo. Then comes the "Loading of Mac OSX" window. Then a few seconds later the screen goes blue. Like the desktop is not loading at all. I can see my mouse censor which I can move around but there is nothing else. Just a blue screen. I can't even use KeyBoard short cuts. Man guys what can I do? If this account doesn't load fully then I wont even be able to get into my own account.
Things I have tried:
Boot into Safe Mood.
Restart while holding down these keys: apple-option-O-F > reset-nvram > Reset-all.
Booting up off the Mac OS X disc and running disk utility.
Tried starting up with: apple-option-P-R
Prevent automatic login (Holding down left shift key during start up)
Do you guys have any idea what i can do? My OS X version is 10.3.9. I run on a eMac thats about 887mhz (I believe) and has 700-something SDRAM.
I get the normal boot sound..then the gray screen with gray Apple logo. Then comes the "Loading of Mac OSX" window. Then a few seconds later the screen goes blue. Like the desktop is not loading at all. I can see my mouse censor which I can move around but there is nothing else. Just a blue screen. I can't even use KeyBoard short cuts. Man guys what can I do? If this account doesn't load fully then I wont even be able to get into my own account.
Things I have tried:
Boot into Safe Mood.
Restart while holding down these keys: apple-option-O-F > reset-nvram > Reset-all.
Booting up off the Mac OS X disc and running disk utility.
Tried starting up with: apple-option-P-R
Prevent automatic login (Holding down left shift key during start up)
Do you guys have any idea what i can do? My OS X version is 10.3.9. I run on a eMac thats about 887mhz (I believe) and has 700-something SDRAM.