Apple & Blueboxing

For phone-phreaking, you mean? That's what I heard too. Not so sure where though.

The Apple I (maybe some of the earlier Apple ][s as well?) also came with full schematics, so you could build your own computers if you felt like it - Apple just saved you the work.
I'd believe that. I saw a show on TLC(or maybe Discovery) about the history of hacking/cracking. Woz told a story about how him an Jobs were phreaking one day and they got stopped by the cops! Jobs, cleverly made up a story about it being a toy or something! Very funny!
Yeah, i know they dabbled in Blueboxes for the hell of it. Apparently they found the AT&T code/tone bok in some university basement library. The best tellign of this tale was pbs's "Triumph of the Nerds" It was produced by err...Cringely I think, exclelent production. Therte's a second edition of this series about the history of the internet as well. I'm sure has copies.
Woz told the cop that it was a SDMI synthesizer. The cop either knew what it was, or really believed Woz because he told the two that,"Somebody has already beaten you to the idea."

The two of them actually go pretty for back into phone phreaking. They were friends with the famous cap'n crunch.

They used to sell long distance phone calls with their boxes.I think that they also recieve down payments on their first computer order from the homebrew computer club. So i would imagine that some of this money found its way to Apple, but the purpose of selling the phone calls was never actually directed torward gathering capital for a company.
Ah yes. I had to register for an account just to share my knowledge on this subject. :-) Kick your feet back and get comfortable.

Phone phreaking started when John Draper learned that he could use a whistle from a Captain Crunch cereal box to make free long distance phone calls. Obviously the phone systems were much simpler back then... Captain Crunch (John Draper's new nickname) befriended Woz who had always done all kinds of technical jokes/ pranks.

They soon discovered more technical ways to make collect calls and even listen into other people's calls. Hence the start of the blue box. They got some capital out of it, but this was well into their company starting. One interesting note: the modem was created by Woz and Draper when they discovered they could use the original Apple's as serious phreaking machines.

Modem's and phreaking, both had their starts with everyone's favorite company founders.