Apple Can Goto Hell.


Raver and Programmer
My iBook was a piece to begin with. My internet always froze up. After hours with apple on the phone and reinstalling, i sent it back for repairs. I got it back today. They replaced my modem and guess what: IT STILL FU**IN FREEZES UP. Apple needs to clean up the way they do their goddamned crappy business. If I freeze up one more time, so help me god.
Hahaha, apb3.

Seriously, though, liquidstrife, maybe it would be a little more productive telling us all of your problems with your iBook and we'll try to help you out. We could even give you some therapy if you wanted. :p
Heh. Yea it is that PPP crap. The kext didnt fix it but helps it some. I do not want a Dell....but I do want a Power Mac G4 with apple cinema display! blah. anyone wanna post about macs on ? i could use some! reply!
I have been following this bug closely as I too have been affected intermittenantly by this problem. I have chosen not to get under the hood of OSX and wait for the Official Apple fix.

Hopefully, we will be seeing the fix when 10.2 is released. I can't believe Apple has let this 800lb. gorilla runs as long as they have!!!!