Apple Certification UK

The Doctor

I'm 16. Ok so I see your already thinking, ok, next! But, it's true. I have a Mac. I'm good at Mac OS X and Windows XP/Vista. I'm on my way to opening a business (in the UK) the normal computer repair sortta of business. I was thinking of getting Microsoft and Apple Certitifaction. Enough about Microsoft for now.

I'm seeing if anyone has done the Apple Help desk Specialist course, and seeing what material I might need to make sure I pass the exam.

Also what my options are if I complete this exam.

The Doctor lists training locations.
And the training material such as MA714Z/A in Apple Store would be the material for the same thing. I have not done those certifications in UK which is one of the reasons I can't suggest you a particular training center for it.

You are 16. What are you going to do with the certification? Most of them expire in 12 months, or need a renewal, so if you consider having them now to get value of them after you finish college, I'd wait for a bit. The certifications will be most value for one who has them when they are fresh and applied to related fields. So for instance help desk coordinator, system administrator, mac os x training, trainer certification, portables certification will be valuable now if you'll be actively using them to get something or get you somewhere with them with the next 12 months.
Actually a quick update - of the ones that do the trainings in UK I would probably recommend Amsys. They do training all over UK (and on specific courses, so e.g. they shipped a trainer for our IT department for Mac OS X training from London)