This thread will certainly move soon.
jeb1138, you should read fryke's post again, I think you missed the point. fryke has not devaluated anyone, he's making a parallel between two actual events. He mentions a disproportion between the number of lives in this shuttle and in Iraq, and the sadness and grief which apply to them. That's all. Plus:
For six million Jews and millions of others, the Allies' decisions to go to war came too late.
The Allies were already all at war when Hitler invaded Sudetenland. They were all, except the US, for reasons that were taught to you in class (I hope and think so). If you need more precise explanations, tell me. But as this does not fit the thread and forum topic, I'll keep silent.
mightyjlr, you are very right: many terrorists (not only Palestinian ones) would have liked to blow up the shuttle.
1) 99% Palestinian terrorists don't know ANYTHING about the Columbia shuttle and the first Israeli astronaut ! Most Palestinian terrorists don't watch NASA TV, don't read the Web, don't give a damn about what's happening in the US as their own 'country' is already enough to matter about.
2) The shuttle "would have been a perfect target for them" but I don't know any stone thrower who can shoot so high ! Hey, people, who knows a rocket launcher that can hit a shuttle at Mach 18 (20.113km/h) ? I wanna buy one !
More seriously, do you know the power of Palestinian terrorists ? How can you imagine a second they could infiltrate the NASA and proceed to some sabotage, while most of them don't even have enough explosive to organize their suicide expeditions !
3) "When people think of space disasters, they don't think of them happening on re-entry" : oh YES they do ! According to Frenchmen Jean-François Clairevoy, astronaut at the European Spatial Agency, the Columbia shuttle is extremely hard to manoeuver, esp. at re-entry. The shuttle knows an inclination angle of 40°, its 44 reactors can reach 1645°C, the whole shuttle needs perfect control. [EDIT] I've added a French link at the bottom of my post.
4) Plus, as I said, only the US stated it was a terrorist attack. As I said, and I have checked many sources, all other foreign news centrals did NOT stated aything about a terrorist suspicion. Do you know why ? Because the NASA first communicated the shuttle accident information to the Associated Press, which did not mention any terrorist theory in their communiqué. This terrorist paranoia was created by CNN and other US media journalists.
5) Last but not least, I must tell you "shoulder mounted missiles" are absolutely unable to fire a space shuttle at re-entry, that's science-fiction. You are confusing shoulder mounted missiles with ICBMs and IRBMs IMHO
Eventually, don't miss my word: I don't blame the few Americans who thought it could be a terrorist attack. I just find it a stupid, paranoid feeling. I don't say they don't have the right to feel like that or anything of this kind. I am not willing to offend anyone.
I'm just finding it idiotic, limited, mentally restrained, excentric, irrealistically confused, psychologically weak and on the top of that dangerously psychotic, aggressive and paranoid to associate a space accident with terrorism. As far as I know, one is 18 km over the other one.
French link about the difficulties of re-entry with Columbia shuttle: