Apple Could Sell Sex

fryke said:
Well: Nobody really expects IBM to further enhance the G5 for Apple now, and intel is talking about dual, quad and octo core processors for the future. So you'd still have to build one yourself (maybe drop some dead old processors into a dual box or something and paint "sex" on the case...). Dunno if that's enough for you, though. :p

Now I really wish Apple would come out with one more Power Mac G5 line update with one of the models running dual-processor tri-core PowerPC G5.

Only then could I get a shocking face from fryke.
fryke said:
And you see that it's the power of 2, not six or three. ;)

Yes, but they are the number of processors, not the number of cores on the processors.

A Sex G5 would be a 2 tri-core G5 processors that also came in "the power of 2."
I know what you mean. Just: The signs don't point that way... :) Besides: I really don't think Apple would do it. And if, they'd _not_ call it 'sex', either.
fryke said:
I know what you mean. Just: The signs don't point that way... :) Besides: I really don't think Apple would do it. And if, they'd _not_ call it 'sex', either.

What sign? There's no sign.

It's okay if Apple doesn't call it Sex G5, as long as we know what it is really is.
He just wants to insist on his idea. There's not really an answer to your question, Lt. Maj. Burns.
fryke said:
He just wants to insist on his idea. There's not really an answer to your question, Lt. Maj. Burns.

Good one, fryke!

The answer to your question, Lt Major Burns, is because IBM is already suppling tri-core PowerPC G5s to Microsoft and Sony to make XBox 360 and soon-to-be-released Playstation 3.

With that kind of sales volume, Apple should be able to get a decent pricing for the chip.

I want a Sex G5!
But they're not full PPC 970 cores, they're stripped down so they can fit that many on one CPU die. They'd have to shrink down to 65nm probably to fit 3 full cores in the same space.
they're not G5's, as captain code says. they are all loosely based on the PPC architecture, but are by no means a G5 with all the Altivec instructions or cache sizes...
No Sex, but whatever Quad x 2 is should be the adjective of the next professional line Mac desktop. Went to Intel's Developer Forum Taiwan, the chip makers plan to deliver quad core processors in the 2nd half of this year.
erh... okay. so we have a very old thread revived. now you're for "octo"? M'kay...