Apple doesnt want your ideas

Originally posted by xaqintosh
it's not that apple is making us pay (at least not for me) it's that they PROMISED that we'd get free email indefinitely. and now they've gone back on their word.

You might want to look up the definition of indefinitely before you say they're going back on their word.

If they DID indeed promise that they would keep it free indefinitely, then they can change the free service to a paid one whenever they feel like it.

in·def·i·nite Pronunciation Key (n-df-nt)
Not definite, especially:
Unclear; vague.
Lacking precise limits: an indefinite leave of absence.
Uncertain; undecided: indefinite about their plans.
If you don't want to support Apple, you don't have to. We won't force you. :)

You also don't have to design for them or submit ideas to them. That is also your choice.

Also, correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that Apple was the only company that had ever spelled UNIX in all capital letters.

I thought that, outside of that, it had always been Unix.

Seems to me, like someone who spent years in that community would know the difference.

Then again, we have people posting thread after thread about free email.

Last I checked, Apple is not the only email provider in the world.

I go back and forth with the whole .mac thing personally. Sometimes, I think it is okay. Sometimes, I think I am going to let my email address there lapse as of September 30th.

However, I still don't know what that has to do with Unix. The logical connection between the two is beyond me.
I think i see the concern of this thread. It's not completely the fact that Apple is acting really strange (like their professional or something :D ) it's the fact that the customers (can I call them fans?) are concerned for Apple.

I for one don't want to go buy a Windows machine just because Apple starts charging a $500 shipping fee. But with the prices and the market issues these days we all know something has to go soon or later, for Apple it was recently iTools (a.k.a. .Mac).

See what I'm saying? I probably just confused you guys even more. :p