Apple DvD 3.1.1


Hi ,

I have this problem where whenever i open any program like internet explorer or calculator , just any program , the dvd player opens instead.

In the dock if i click the icon for internet explorer then instead of internet explorer opening the dvd player starts to open instead.

Does any one know how to fix this?
Or know what is wrong?


I have not seen this error before, but I suggest you try adding an application to the dock by dragging it in from your application directory, then try starting that app by clicking it in the dock.

If the app starts normally, you should be able to fix it by removing all the app icons from the dock then putting them back in, and you can put it down to a weird error while processing the dock preferences file.

On the other hand, if DVD player starts, then you have a really weird error and we'll have to see what we can work out. Let us know how you go.
Hi ,

That doesn't work , still the dvd player opens.

Its just not with the dock though , even if i click on the application in the folder , it still opens the dvd player.

The only way to open the application without it opening the dvd player is by opening something that uses the application like a saved webpage or a mp3..

This problem has been happening since i got OSX & got the OSX dvd player.

Drastic measures but...

You can reinstall the OS while keeping users and network settings. I did this once to attempt an audio problem fix. The users were untouched and only the system files were replaced.
Probably a corrupted pref. try logging in as another user, if you don't have another user, create a new one, Log in as that user, try any Application that is now giving problems. Should work, and you know that your user prefs are corrupt. How to fix your user? try deleting this file (user/library.prefs folder) Also ( this is in user/library/caches. Those two will rebuild after a logout and login. Should fix your problem. If not, try a permissions repair, if Still no fix ??? reinstall 10 ??? (last resort):)