Apple-Event the 28th

Pierre-Olivier Latour said:
[...] Although the graphics chip is an embedded Intel i950, and the performance won't be stellar - say compared to the new iMacs or MacBook Pros, but definitely better than the previous Mac Mini

I'll follow up with a question about system memory usage for graphics :)
fryke said:
Btw.: The integrated graphics takes 64 MB of the main memory. Not "80 MB minimum" or something like that. So it's not _that_ bad. 512 MB is meager, anyway, and _if_ you update, you'll go 1024. Now 960 MB is not _that_ low, so it doesn't make much of a difference.

I think 512 is acceptable for a Mini. Offering 512 for the Power Mac is not though (which is what mine came with).